Sauerstoffdruckminderer - Oxygen pressure regulator
Oxygen pressure regulators
Hornung GmbH has an extensive product portfolio to offer for the technologies of the future. As a manufacturer of valves for compressed gas technology, you benefit from our flexible and individual solutions in the field of oxygen technology. From the development and construction, through the production of the individual parts, as well as the assembly of the valves and their final inspection, all work steps are carried out at our company headquarters in Neu-Isenburg.
For applications with oxygen, Hornung GmbH supplies oxygen pressure regulators as bottle pressure regulators, line pressure regulators, DOM pressure regulators, high-pressure regulators, battery pressure regulators and central pressure regulators.
Classical applications:
• Medical technology
• Metallurgy
• Glass industry
• Oxidation and heating processes
• Aerospace
• Welding and cutting
Oxygen is used in a wide variety of technologies:
Industrially, oxygen is mainly used in metallurgy for the production of pig iron and steel, as well as in copper refining. Pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air serves here on the one hand to achieve high temperatures, on the other hand to freshen up the crude steel, i. e. to remove unwanted admixtures of carbon, silicon, manganese and phosphorus, which are oxidised and separated. Compared to air, pure oxygen has the advantage that no nitrogen is introduced into the melt. Nitrogen has a negative influence on the mechanical properties of steel (see also Thomas process). In chemical processes, oxygen is usually used for the oxidation of various basic materials, such as the olefin oxidation of ethene to ethylene oxide and the partial (partial) oxidation of heavy oil and coal.
Oxygen is also needed for the production of hydrogen and synthesis gas and for the production of sulphur and nitric acid. Other important products produced by oxidation with oxygen are acetylene (ethine), acetaldehyde, acetic acid, vinyl acetate and chlorine.
Different combustion gases (propane, hydrogen, ethin, etc. ) only achieve sufficiently hot and soot-free flames for welding and brazing or melting and forming glass by mixing with oxygen. After heating and ignition, concrete is cut with a (self-burning) oxygen lance or the burning of iron is done by a sharp oxygen jet alone.
Oxygen is also used to represent ozone, as an oxidant in fuel cells and in semiconductor technology. In rocket technology, liquid oxygen is used as an oxidant and abbreviated with LOX (liquid oxygen). In environmental technology, the discharge of oxygen gas frees wastewater more quickly from organic pollutants and toxins by bacteria. In many drinking water plants, the treatment of drinking water with ozone (ozonation) serves for the oxidation of organic substances or, for example, iron and sterilization and can lead to a significantly better cleaning effect of the filter systems.
In our product portfolio you will find the following valves for your oxygen application: bottle pressure regulators, line pressure regulators, battery pressure regulators, relaxation stations, automatic changeover stations, filters and shut-off valves. Especially in the field of technical gases, our product range of dome pressure regulators offers the D, DH and PID* series, as well as our line pressure regulators series L and LH oxygen pressure regulators for high pressures and large flows.
PID* - version with integrated pilot controller
Our product range offers oxygen pressure regulators (pressure regulators usable for oxygen) usable up to 300 bar output pressure. Our central gas supply systems can be used for oxygen for both technical and ultra-pure gases up to 6. 0 with automatic switching. In addition, the following Hornung fittings are also available for oxygen:
• Precision pressure regulators and
• Sampling points for laboratories
Advantages of Hornung oxygen pressure regulators:
• Maximum safety and long service life
• High flow rate and low pressure drop
• Wide temperature, flow and pressure ranges allow use in a variety of oxygen applications
• Wide variety of preset output pressures
• Best quality, functionality and optimal control behavior. • Low maintenance
• All models are fully assembled ready for installation and also available as a central gas supply station
• Short reaction times, also for spare parts, through storage at the Neu-Isenburg site.
Detailed information on our individual oxygen pressure regulators can be found here in the technical data sheets:
Cylinder station HP 230 Frontline
Cylinder Sation HP 240 Frontline
Cylinder station HP 250 Frontline
M59 Cylinder pressure regulator
Sammelleitung mit Rückschlagventil
DV5 Double shut-off valve
HP100 Cylinder pressure regulator
The following valves of the company Hornung are tested by the BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Testing) for oxygen combustion safety:
For further information about our products please visit: